

是有一定的参考意义,已拿到巴黎银行的offer.之前我对Fixed Income完全不了解,
1.General Questions
1) Why we should hire you?
2) Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.
3) What is your greatest achievement/failure?
4) Use 3 words to describe yourself.
5) What is your career plan in the next few years?
6) Interests
7) How to know about Investment Banks? What’s the difference between IB and 
Commercial Banks? Why IB? Why FID? Why BNP Paribas?
8) Sales or Trading or Debt Capital Market?
9) How do you know about bonds?
10) Why Peking University? Why Beijing?
11) Courses taken in University
2. Behavioral Questions
1) How can you get other people’s supports when you need help?
2) How will you convince/persuade other people when you have conflicts with t
3) Have you ever got an experience that you work under great pressures?
4) Give me an example that you are a team leader/member.
5) Describe a time when you made significant contribution to achieving a team
6) Describe a time when you had to work under significant pressure to achieve
 a task or goal.
7) Describe a time when you have spotted an opportunity to develop something 
new which resulted in either a commercial benefit and/or a significant import
8) Describe how you have demonstrated initiative in extending your personal l
earning and developing yourself outside the educational environment. 
3. Professional Questions
1) 1N的平方和是多少
2) 立方和是多少
3) What is Forward/ Swap/ Future/ Call Option/ Put Option?
4) Substitution Swaps 
5) Inter-Bank Spread Swap 
6) Rate Anticipation Swap: swap done in anticipation of a change in the overa
ll level of 
7) What are the basic principles of Black-Scholes Model?
8) What is Binomial Model?
9) What is Yield Curve/ Term Structure?
10) What is the interest rate of the 10-year Treasury Notes in America at pre
11) How to value a bond?
12) What are the effects if FED raises basis interest rates?
13) what is the probability of taking 6 balls out of 50 different once.
4. Questions to ask
1) 关于公司的发展战略?(Strategy?)
2) 关于公司的业务重点?( Key Operation)
3) 关于公司对新员工的发展计划?招聘过程和内容?公司欲招的新员工的职责?该公司
4) 面试官的经历?面试官给被面试者的反馈或者建议?
5.Useful Website




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