
1. GIS 招聘笔试题
2. Gis平台开发工程师实习生招聘笔试题
3. GIS开发工程师面试题
4. GIS程序员面试题(广州城市信息研究所有限公司招聘笔试真题)
5. GIS遥感面试题
6. GIS面试问题和答案
7. GIS面试题和答案(基础题和拔高题)
8. GIS面试题(北京超图软件股份有限公司招聘笔试真题)
9. xx公司GIS开发招聘笔试题
10. xx公司GIS程序员笔试题
11. 中南勘测设计研究院 GIS工程师面试题
12. 中南勘测设计研究院商务面试题
13. 中南勘测设计研究院软件工程师面试题
14. 城信所GIS程序员笔试题和答案x
15. 数据处理工程师招聘笔试题(GIS百度)
16. 测绘专业技术人员笔试题和答案(海口市土地测绘院GIS试题)



1、 英译汉
A geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data. The acronym GIS is sometimes used for geographical information science or geospatial information studies to refer to the academic discipline or career of working with geographic information systems and is a large domain within the broader academic discipline of Geoinformatics.[1] In the simplest terms, GIS is the merging of cartography, statistical analysis, and computer science technology.

A GIS can be thought of as a system—it digitally makes and "manipulates" spatial areas that may be jurisdictional, purpose, or application-oriented. Generally, a GIS is custom-designed for an org

